KNX Infrared Emitter can store up to 960 infrared codes.
The first 150 infrared codes are used for general control, for example TV, DVD and other infrared receiving devices, and the latter 810 infrared codes are used for controlling AC of any brand.
Product Characteristics
Various control modes: Single emitting control, Repeat emitting control, Sequence emitting control
AC control types: ON/OFF control, Temperature control, Cooling/ Heating mode control, Fan speed control, Swing control
Supports current detection with current up to 2A
After learning, obtaining and downloading the infrared codes through infrared learning page of KNX Assistant Software and IR Learner, the Infrared Emitter can control TV, DVD, air conditioner etc.
After current detection function setting, the module can confirm the ON/OFF status of the device. This function mainly aims at the circumstance that one IR code control the ON/OFF status of the device.